Yosemite National Park

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The Sierra is a magical place. While at first glance, the forests can appear eerily quiet and devoid of life, a closer look often reveals something different. This mountain range hosts black bears, bobcats, mountain lions, and my favorite of them all - the great gray owl.

When my dad suggested a trip to Yosemite this March, I jumped at the opportunity. While there is plenty to see there this time of year, the great gray owl was the only animal I had in mind. On my last 5 attempts I had struck out on finding them, so I did not have high expectations. But, a day spent in the wilderness is never a bad way to spend a day, so off I went on my search.

After hiking through thick forest for a while, I sat down on a log to tie my shoes. As I got up from the log and turned behind me, I saw a big grey bird flying to a tree in front of me. A great gray owl! Before I even had the chance to raise the camera, the owl flew to the ground on a failed hunting attempt, before flying to another tree nearby.

I could not believe my luck. I watched the owl perched on that tree for a while before he eventually flew to the top of another tree. Then, I saw another big bird fly into the tree next to him. A second great gray owl! Due to the size difference of the owls, it did not take me long to realize this was a mating pair of great gray owls.

Both owls eventually flew to different perches. I hung out with the male, who was actively hunting on the forest floor. As the sun began to set he perched on a branch low to the ground, allowing me a great, unobstructed view.

A special experience with my favorite bird!

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